WARNER, Marina

Indigo: Mapping the Waters (Marina Warner)
L'Histoire remise en cause: Indigo de Marina Warners (Eileen Williams-Wanquet)

 WAUGH, Evelyn

Waugh, Barcelone et Gaudi (Alain Blayac)

WELSH, Denton

L'hypnérotomachie de Denton Welch ou : de la progression des images du rêve (Didier Girard)

WELSH, Irvine

De la cochonnerie chez Irvine Welsh (Didier Girard)


From Paracelsus to the Motorway to Hell: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Fay Weldon's The Lives and Loves of a She-Devil (Nadia d'Amelio)

WHITE, Kenneth

Kenneth White, Wandering Scot and intellectual nomad (Michèle Duclos)
Shamanic traces in 20th century poetre: Ted Hughes and Kenneth White (Michèle Duclos)

WHITE, Patrick

P. White's The Eye of the Storm and Boticelli's Primavera (David Coad)
The way up and the way down: W. Golding's Darkness Visible and P. White's Voss (Nadia d'Amelio)
Cultural Interweavings in Patrick White's Voss (Hubert Teyssandier)

WILDE, Oscar

The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde : autofiction et/ou ultime repli du biographe (Georges Letissier)
Le théâtre anglais contemporain : la scène impudique (Elisabeth Angel-Pérez)


Humour noir et classes moyennes de l'ère Thatcher dans The Wimbledon Poisoner... (Jean-Marc Riaume)
Nigel Williams : The Wimbledon Poisoner ou le renouveau du crime anglais (Bernard Gilbert)


Venise dans The Passion de Jeanette Winterson (Christine Reynier)
"Eve, whose eye darted contagious fire" : expressivité et impudeur dans Written on the Body de Jannette Winterson (Jean-Michel Ganteau)
The illusion of the Shell-Formed Microcosm in Jeanette Winterson's Novels
(Hélène Fau)
Jeanette Winterson's Boating for Beginners: Both New Baroque and Ethics (E. Williams-Wanquet)
A la recherche du correct dans Sexing the Cherry de Jeanette Winterson : monstration obscène et inhibition décente (Hélène Fau)

A Philisophy of Magical Rhetoric. Notes on Jeanette Winterson's Dancing Lesson (Frédéric Regard)
'Sympathetic Parody': où imposer les limites du genre ? A propos de The Powerbook de Jeanette Winterson (Jean-Michel Ganteau)
Interview with Jeanette Winterson (Hélène Fau)

WOOLF, Virginia

L'un et l'autre : regards croisés dans trois nouvelles de Virginia Woolf (Christine Reynier)
La clôture différée dans The Waves (Christine Reynier)
Récit, métamorphose du récit, récit de métamorphose du récit ... (Daniel Ferrer
L'écriture féminine selon Virginia Woolf (Jean-Jacques Lecercle)
Clapham Junction 1910...
(Frédéric Regard)
Pour l'amour de Mrs Brown (Michèle Rivoire)
"The Lady in the Looking-Glass". Portrait(s) de dame(s) avec miroir (Liliane Louvel)
Récit de métamorphoses, métamorphoses du récit dans "The Shooting Party" (Christine Reynier)
Du vent dans les branches de l'orme (Barbara Lambert)
La figure, la nuit dans "Time Passes" (Chantal Delourme)
Métaphore et métamorphose dans To the Lighthouse (Catherine Lanone)
De "swords" à "words" ou la métamorphose de la quête de Percival dans The waves (Carole Rodier)
Intensité(s) : de l'utilisation de la couleur chez Virginia Woolf (André Topia)
L'Ondulation dans The Waves (Hubert Teyssandier)
To the Lighthouse : nature et mélancolie (Barbara Lambert)
Scènes de lecture dans Jane Eyre, To the Lighthouse et Still Life (Chantal Delourme)
Orlando, ou le voyage sentimental de Virgnia Woolf (Floriane Reviron)
"Holding her pen like a broom": Virginia Woolf's Anxieties about Working-Class Women (Patricia Laurence)
Apprehending the World: Surface, Substance, and the True Experience of Things in Virginia Woolf's Novels (Carole Rodier)
Love with a Fruit-Dish / Nature Morte avec l'Amour en Plâtre / An Instance of Pictorial Eroticism (Liliane Louvel)
To the Lighthouse: the Jarring Rebus of Subjectivity (Josiane Paccaud-Huguet)
Epistolarity and Object Relations (Pierre-Eric Villeneuve)
Virginia Woolf and the Shop Window (Rachel Bowlby)
Abject Objects in Jacob's Room (Catherine Lanone)
The Nature of Things in Orlando (Floriane Reviron)
"Let us then keep the form unsigned": Things and the Signature of the Feminine in Three Guineas (Frédéric Regard)
"Capricious Friendships with the Unknown and the Vanished" - a Reading of some of Virginia Woolf's Essays - (Catherine Bernard)
From "the real thing" to "character": Virginia Woolf's Poetics of "life" (Claire Joubert)
Taking our Time with Things: Virginia Woolf's Object Lessons (Mary Ann Caws) 
Selected bibliography 1990-1998 (Catherine Bernard) 
Apparitions spectrales dans le monologue final de The Waves de Virginia Woolf (Nathalie Pavec)
Modern Ethics (Claire Joubert)
The Waves: Writing the Feminine (Sophie Marret)

Virginia Woolf, une snob au music-hall: le specetacle de mauvais genre à  la rescousse du genre littéraire (Caroline Marie)
Virginia Woolf et l'esthétique cinématographique (Françoise Reviron)
And her poor dog was hauling": from Mrs Dalloway to Flush (M.-D. Garnier)
The Conversation behind the Conversation: Speaking the Unspeakable in Virginia Woolf (Julia BRIGGS)
The Conversion of Conversations from Melymbrosia to The Voyage Out (Monica GIRARD)
Logick in Pieces: a Stratigraphic Conversation in Woolf's Diary (Frédérique AMSELLE)
'The conversation began some minutes before anything was said . . . ': Textual Genesis as Dialogue and Confrontation (Woolf vs Joyce and Co)" (
Daniel FERRER)
"Am I all of them? Am I one and distinct?": Woolf's "Gigantic Conversation" (Ariane MILDENBERG)
"The Ebb and Flow of Conversation": a Metaphorics of Maternal Presence (Anne‑Marie SMITH‑DIBIASIO)
Conversation, Conversion, Proportion (Françoise BORT)
"Who knows what precipices aren't concealed in words". Scraps of Talk in Virginia Woolf's Short Stories and Diaries
Virginia Woolf's Politics of Reviewing: a Place for Conversation (Denise GINFRAY)
The Art of Conversation, Conversation as an Art. "The sisters' arts" (Liliane LOUVEL)
Woolf's Dialogue with the New Sciences (Anne‑Sophie LE BAIL)
Conversation Redefined: Notes on "A Dialogue upon Mount Pentelicus" (Christine REYNIER )
The Play in the Sky of the Mind: Dialogue, "the Tchekov method", and Between the Acts (
Christine FROULA)