Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens 62 (octobre 2005)
 Insights into the Legacy of Bloomsbury
 With unpublished essays and memoirs by Roger Fry, Vanessa Bell and Virginia
Edited, with an introduction, by Christine Reynier
 Université Montpellier III
 2005, format 15 × 21, 240 pages, ISBN 2-84269-701-4
 Prix de vente :15 euros (

 Christine Reynier, Introduction: Insights into the Legacy of Bloomsbury.
 Abstracts (25)
 Anne-Pascale Bruneau, Bloomsbury Art Theory: An Assessment. (29)
 Catherine Bernard, Bloomsbury or the Art of Disinterestedness. (39)
 Liliane Louvel, Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf: an Artist and a Critic ?
 Floriane Reviron, Bloomsbury and the Cinema: Practice and Theory of a New
 Form of Expression.
 Elena Gualtieri, From A Room with a View to the Fascist Spectacle:
Bloomsbury in Italy
. (93)
 Catherine Lanone, Art and the "Second Darkness." (109)
 Caroline Marie, The Fountainpen and the Metronome : Bloomsbury Dancing, or
 not. (
 Christine Froula, On French and British Freedoms. Early Bloomsbury and the
 Brothels of Modernism
. (137)
 Christopher Reed, Roger Fry: Art and Life. (157)
 S. P. Rosenbaum, Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell: Memoirs of Julian. (167)
 Selected Bibliography (205)
 Bulletin de la SFEVE n°70. (223)
 Notes on Contributors (235)